As a result of the wave of immigration which began in 2011 due to the outbreak of war in Syria, the child refugee population in Turkey exceeds 1.7 million today. Education is one of the most critical areas of development for children, who are affected most by migration, war, and such conditions, to overcome the problems experienced in the host country and to strive in a healthy way to adapt to a new society.
Despite this reality, more than 40% of children have still not been involved in schooling. One of the most important reasons for this is child labor. The fact that families experiencing socio-economic hardships force their children to contribute to the family economy obliges at least one million children to work under volatile conditions in textile workshops, overlooked industrial zones, streets, fields and various areas of the service sector.
In addition, language problems, traditional gender roles, cultural factors and differences in the education system create major obstacles for children's participation in education and social life. These obstacles lead to the emergence of lost generations, which results in children being dragged into crime, gangs, substance abuse, neglect-abuse, and being forced into marriage at a young age.
Meeting the educational needs of children who have migrated is interrelated with the process of preparing children for a new country, citizenship, and integration into a new society. Therefore, education processes that accelerate the social reception of migrants are vital in meeting the psychosocial needs of children.
In cities such as İstanbul, Hatay, and Şanlıurfa where the refugees reside the most, Hayasür Association plays an important role in preventing the formation of lost generations by:
Providing Turkish language courses that aim to reduce the drop-out rate caused by the language barrier and problems with communication.
Providing support with the Vocational Training Courses that aim to bring children who dropped out of school due to socioeconomic reasons back to school and reintegrate them and their families to society.
Providing Capacity Building Training for teachers, in order to contribute to increasing the quality of education.
Aiding children who cannot afford to go to school to enroll in public schools.
Meeting the demand for teachers and educational materials of schools and education centers.
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