#EducationCanNotWait #NoLostGeneration

  • E-mail: info@hayatsur.org
Türkçe - English
  • It's time to make
    refugee girls'
    education a

    If you give her this chance, there is no limit to her potential.

  • If you give her this
    chance, there is no
    limit to her

  • Kızların Eğitimi

  • Kızların Eğitimi

    Genç kızları eğitimle güçlendirerek, tüm Dünyaya onların yapamayacakları hiç bir şey olmadığını gösterme şansı doğuyor.

  • Geleceğimiz için
    Eğitim şart

  • Education Above All



<p><strong>Türkiye’deki mülteci ve göçmen insanların topluma adaptasyonu için mücadele eden, toplulukların temel hak ve özgürlüklerine ulaşmasına yardım etmeye odaklanan bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur.</strong></p>

Who Are We?

Hayatsur Association is a civil society organization that strives to support communities in Turkey in acquiring their fundamental rights and freedom and works to ensure refugees' adaptation to host society.

<p><strong>Eğitim, psikososyal destek, yetenek geliştirme ve meslek edindirme alanlarında destek vererek, kayıp bir nesil oluşmasının önüne geçmek ve dezavantajlı bireylerin kendi ayakları üstünde durarak topluma entegre olabilmeleri için gerekli araçları sağlamaktır.</strong></p>

What We Do?

Support refugees and migrants people in Turkey and Syria, primarily children, in the fields of education, integration, psychosocial support, talent development and vocational training in order to prevent the formation of a lost generation and to provide the necessary tools for individuals to integrate into society.

Hayatsur is developing projects in cooperation with various national and international institutions in order to improve the living conditions of the residents of Turkey.

Hayatsur volunteers, consisting of Syrian and Turkish psychologists who are experts in their fields, teachers, and staff, work to create effective and in-depth developmental projects that are culturally appropriate in order to erase prejudices and build cultural/social bridges between the two communities.  

The organization aims at societal betterment in fields such as education, child wellbeing, and psychological health by striving to reproduce social structures with peaceful methods.


Latest Projects

Peace building for our childrens' FUTURE!